Child Care Program

School Age Child Care Program (SACCP)


The School Age Child Care Program (S.A.C.C.P) is a non-profit organization that provides childcare services to students who attend the Lansing Elementary School and Middle School.  The Elementary School program consists of a morning program that operates before the school day begins and an afternoon program that operates after the school day ends.  The Middle School program only operates after the school day ends.   The before and after school programs are way that the school can help working parents who have a family.  Our program is dedicated to providing recreational activity, relaxation, and fun in a safe environment for your child.  In addition, the program strives to provide care for your child at a reasonable cost.  We hope that you will always feel free to voice any questions, concerns, or suggestions that you may have. We want to create a positive place for your child and look forward to working with you to help make that happen. 


Lansing Elementary School (located in the cafeteria)

  • Before School Program: 7:00 am - 9:00 am

  • After School Program: 3:15 pm -  5:30 pm

Lansing Middle School (located in the cafeteria)

  • After School Program:  2:30 pm - 5:30 pm


Lansing Elementary School

 When dropping off or picking up your children parents should park in the bus circle in front of the elementary school, except during the times the buses are dropping off kids in the morning or during dismissal at the end of the day.  The bus circle cannot be parked in during the following times:

  • 8:40 - 9:15 Morning Student Drop Off (Buses)

  • 3:15 -  3:45 Afternoon Dismissal (Buses)

Parents should use the entrance that leads directly into the cafeteria.  It is the entrance to the left of the cafeteria and a ramp leads up to the building.  A staff member will check your child into and out of the program daily.

Lansing Middle School 

Parents should park in the bus circle in front of the middle school and pick up their children using the entrance to the left of the cafeteria.


Lansing Elementary School (Morning Program)

When the children arrive to the program they will signed into the program by a staff member and provided with a cubby to store their belongings each morning until they are released to their classrooms.  Children should not bring toys and other items from home to the program only what is needed for their school day.  Morning activities include indoor and outdoor play (weather permitting).  Indoor play consists of a large variety of activities such as arts and crafts, games, books to read, coloring and drawing and a variety of totes full of age appropriate toys and building materials.  Outside play may consist of organized sports and activities or just free play on the playground structure.   The gym may also be available for use in the mornings if we are unable to get outside and it is available.  The children will be dismissed to their classrooms at approximately 8:55 am.  Staff will walk Pre-K and Kindergarten students to their classrooms.

Lansing Elementary School (Afternoon Program)

At dismissal, the children attending the afterschool program are sent to the gym from their classrooms and checked into the program by staff.  After checking in the kids and making sure they are all accounted for staff will walk the children down to the cafeteria where they will place their belongings in their cubby.  After the kids have taken care of their belongings, they will sit at a table for afternoon snack.  Snack consists of a variety of foods that change from day to day as well as a drink (milk or juice).  An alternative snack will be provided if a child cannot eat what is being served.  Once the children have finished up with snack and cleaned up their area there will be a brief meeting to make any announcements that need to be made.  Staff will let the children know what activities have been planned for that afternoon.  We will spend as much time outside as possible, weather permitting.  Outside play may consist of organized sports and activities or just free play on the playground structure.  We have a wide range of outside equipment children can play with.  If unable to go outside, we also have use of the gym in the afternoons.  Indoor play consists of a large variety of activities such as arts and crafts, games, books to read, coloring and drawing and a variety of totes full of age appropriate toys and building materials.  Parents may pick up your children at any time during the hours of operation.  In the afternoon, all children need to be picked up by 5:30 pm.  Before leaving, we expect the children to clean up their activities and projects as well as returning any equipment to its proper place.  If another person will be picking up your child, we must have a signed note from you or told verbally beforehand.  We will not release a child without written or verbal approval.  In the event that a child is still at the program past the closing time of 5:30, at least one staff member will stay until an authorized person has picked up the child.  Staff will begin contacting a responsible party based on your registration form.  If running late please call and notify the program so that we are aware that somebody is on the way.  Parents will be charged a fee for late pick-ups.   

Lansing Middle School (Afternoon Program)

At dismissal, each student reports to the cafeteria in order to be checked into the program.  Students who are participating in after school activities such as clubs or staying after for a teacher still need to check into the program first and then sign out to the activity that they are participating in.  After the students are checked into the program, they will have free time until approximately 3:00 when snack is served.  Snack consists of a variety of foods that change from day to day as well as a drink.  After the children are done eating snack and have cleaned up they will be directed to get out their agendas and homework.  About a half an hour to an hour will be set aside at this time for homework, studying or silent reading.  Please encourage your child to brink a book or other activity with them to the program each day to do in case they have no homework that needs to be done.  When the students have completed their study time, they will have free time to do indoor activities or outside activities (weather permitting) until they are picked up.  In the afternoon, all children need to be picked up by 5:30 pm.  If another person will be picking up your child, we must have a signed note from you or told verbally beforehand.  We will not release a child without written or verbal approval.  In the event that a child is still at the program past the closing time of 5:30 pm, at least one staff member will stay until an authorized person has picked up the child.  Staff will begin contacting a responsible party based on your registration form.  If running late please call and notify the program so that we are aware, that somebody is on the way.  Parents will be charged a fee for late pick-ups.


Admission to the School Age Child Care Program is primarily open to all students in grades PreK-7 who attend the Lansing Elementary School or Middle School.  Enrollment into the program is on a first-come basis.  Near the end of the school year, parents who had children enrolled in the program during the current school year are given registration forms for the following year.  They are given the first opportunity to secure a spot in the program for the following year and then any remaining spots will be opened up to families who have an interest in using the program.  Parents need to return the completed registration forms as soon as possible in order to secure their placement in the program.  Near the end of June, the program will start accepting registration forms for new parents that need to use the program as well.  There is a non-refundable registration fee of $50.00 per child.  This fee is paid when enrolling your child into the program for the first time.  Once all the available openings are filled, a waiting list will be started.  If openings should become available, the parents on the waiting list will then be contacted in the order that they were placed on the list.  All unpaid balances from the prior school year need to be paid in full in order to register for the next school year.


The fee structure of our program is designed to cover the operating costs of the program.  As a non-profit service, any funds in excess of the operating costs are invested back into the program in the form of equipment, supplies, special activities and staff training.  Parents will be charged for the days they have signed up for each week school is in session regardless of attendance.  Credits are not given for missed days due to absences or children attending other activities.

The following list of fees are per child:

  • Registration Fee: $50.00 (non-refundable when enrolling your child in the program for the first time) 

  • Lansing Elementary School (Before School Program): $11.00

    • (Family rate of $10.00 if more than one child enrolled)

  • Lansing Elementary School (After School Program): $11.00 

    • (Family rate of $10.00 if more than one child enrolled) 

  • Lansing Middle School (After School Program): $11.50

  • Full Day Program Fee:  $29.00

  • Early Dismissal Day Fee:  $5.00 extra is charged in addition to the normal afternoon fee

  • Late Pick Up Fee:  $5.00 for every 15 minutes.

  • Late Payment Fee:  $15.00

  • Returned Check Fee:  $20.00


Program tuition fees are billed on a monthly basis.  The billing cycle begins on the first day of the month and ends on the last day of the month.  The bill for tuition is emailed to each family during the first week of each month.  The charges will cover the tuition for the current month and payment will be due by the last day of the month.  If any adjustments need to be made to the bill, they will be done at the end of the month and will be reflected on the next billing statement.  If payments for tuition are not received before the next billing cycle, your account is considered past due.  Overdue tuition balances need to be taken care of as soon as possible.  Failure to pay for tuition will result in the child not allowed to attend the program.

The following guidelines are used in regards to overdue account balances. If payment for the account has not received by the due date, a $15 late fee is charged.  Parents will receive an email from the Program Director reminding them that their bill is past due.  If arrangements are not made to take care of the outstanding account balance and the account remains overdue after two weeks from receiving their reminder letter the parents will receive a second notice.  If the account remains past due after 4 weeks, the parents will receive a final notice and will no longer be eligible to use the program.  All unpaid balances need be paid in full by the last day of school or parents who have registered their child for the next school year will lose their placement in the program for the following year.  In addition, parents are not eligible to use the services of the summer program as well until the bill is paid in full.


The Lansing School Age Child Care Program will generally follow the regular school calendar… meaning when the buildings are closed the program is closed as well. Please be sure to pay special attention to the following dates that the program will not be open.  I hope that this will give you plenty of time to plan ahead.  If the school should happen to make any changes to the yearly calendar during the school year that would affect the program schedule, you will be informed as soon as possible. 


Indigenous Peoples Day- October 9
Veteran's Day- November 10
Thanksgiving Recess- November 22 - 24
Winter Recess- December 21 – January 2
Martin Luther King Jr. Day- January 15
Mid-Winter Recess- February 16 – 23

Spring Recess- March 29 - April 5
Vacation Day- May 24
Memorial Day- May 27
Juneteenth Day- June 19


During the year, the Lansing Central Schools at times will have certain days scheduled for parent conferences.  When there are Parent Conference days scheduled we will often offer a full day program for those days.  Attendance for the full day programs is based on the child's enrollment.  Each child is enrolled in the program for certain days of the week.  If your child is “normally” enrolled in the After School Program on the same day that a full day program occurs, we will be expecting your child to attend the program that day.  Please notify the director as soon as possible before the scheduled full day program if your child will not to attend the program, otherwise you are charged for that day whether your child attends or not.  If your child is not “normally” scheduled to attend the After School Program on the day that a full day program is scheduled, you will need to make other arrangements for your child.  A waiting list will be started, in case some openings become available.  If openings should become available, the parents on the waiting list will then be contacted in the order that they were placed on the list.  The After School Program currently has full day program scheduled on each of the following days.  If any changes are made to the school calendar during the school year, the program will adjust its schedule accordingly. 

Possible Full Day Programs

Friday- November 13 (Superintendent's Conference Day)
Friday- March 15 (Superintendent's Conference Day)  


On various days throughout the year, the Lansing Elementary School uses early dismissals for parent conferences and training.  On these days, the After School Program will generally, open earlier based on what time the early dismissal takes place.  There will be an extra fee of $2.00 charged on early dismissal days, in addition to the normal afternoon fee, if your child attends.  If your child is scheduled to attend the program on the same day the school is having an early dismissal we will be expecting your child to attend that day.  Please notify the director as soon as possible before the scheduled early dismissal day if your child will not need the program on this day.  If your child is not “normally” scheduled to attend the After School Program on the same day of an early dismissal day, you will need to make other arrangements for your child.  A waiting list will be started in case some openings become available. The After School Program will open at the early dismissal time on each of the following days. If changes are made to the school calendar during the school year, the program will adjust its schedule accordingly.

Possible Early Dismissal Days

  • Friday- October 20 Half Day (PreK - 12)  

  • Thursday- November 9 Half Day (PreK - 12)

  • Friday- February 2 Half Day (PreK - 12)  

  • Monday- February 5 Half Day (PreK - 12)  

  • Friday- March 22 Half Day (PreK - 4)  

  • Monday- March 25 Half Day (PreK - 4)

  • Friday- May 3 Half Day (PreK - 12)  

  • Monday- June 24 Half Day (PreK - 12)  

  • Tuesday- June 25 Half Day (PreK - 12)  


On Virtual instruction days, parents will be given the opportunity to sign up to use the child care program on these days.  Information is usually sent out to parents the week before giving them the opportunity to sign up for the program.  There is usually a limited amount of space available and once full no more students will be accepted.  The Child Care Program currently has virtual instruction days scheduled on each of the following days.  If any changes are made to the school calendar during the school year, the program will adjust its schedule accordingly.

Possible Virtual Instruction Days

None Scheduled


If the Lansing Central School District is on any type of delay then the Before School Program will be on the same delay as well.  If for any reason due to the weather, Lansing Central Schools are closed for the day, the School Age Child Care Program will also be closed as well.  In addition, if school is dismissed early due to an emergency (weather, etc), the After School Program closes as well.  The office will be sending forms home at the beginning of the school year to be filled out in the event that this happens. The information that you fill out on these forms will be used to decide what should be done with your child if school should close early.  Please be sure to have a backup plan.  You can usually tune into the radio and TV news broadcasts to hear or see information regarding school closings.  The school will have this information posted as soon as possible. 


Children misbehave from time to time it is a normal part of learning and growing up.  We try to set clear, consistent and appropriate limits for behavior.  The staff will make every possible attempt to keep parents informed about their child's behavior and to help children work through problems before they become patterns.  In order to be effective we will use a time-out to discipline your child.  Children will be disciplined for breaking program rules and for any behavior that is harmful or inappropriate.  With the use of a time-out we hope to teach children, what behaviors are appropriate and acceptable.  If a child needs to be disciplined staff members will discuss with the child the reason why they are being disciplined and will always strive to remain fair and consistent.  In addition, a child will be written up and given a green sheet if the staff feel that the situation justifies such an action and a parent will be notified.  A child will written up for inappropriate verbal or physical behavior.  A child who continues to receive green sheets for repeat violations will be suspended from the program or permanent removal from the program will be a last option.  The program rules are listed below.

Program Rules

  • Follow the directions and instructions given by staff members.

  • If a child is having an issue with another student talk to a staff member so the situation can be resolved before it can escalate into a bigger issue.

  • Show respect to others and their belongings.

  • Cubbies are off limits to other children except for the one that has been provided for them.

  • Keep hands, Feet and objects to yourself (no fighting, rough housing, wrestling, tackling, kicking or hitting will be tolerated). 

  • No running inside the building.

  • No inappropriate language or insulting remarks toward other children.

  • No bullying or ganging up on other children.

  • No valuable items or toys should be brought to the program only what is needed for school.

Playground Safety Rules

  • Only one person on a swing at one time, no swinging sideways or jumping off the swings. 

  • No running up the slides or going down the slides face first, feet first only.

  • No climbing on the playground structure where it is not intended.

  • One person at a time on the round blue spinning structures and no pushing a person who is on it.

  • No pushing other students on the sliding bar or slamming it across with no one on it.

  • No throwing sticks or rocks.

  • No kicking or throwing wood chips.

  • Children need to stay inside the designated play area.

We Look Forward To A Healthy, Fun-filled Year With Your Child. Please Feel Free To Contact Me With Questions, Concerns, Or Any Problems That May Arise. We Are Open To Suggestions That You Might Have And Are Here For You And Your Child.


The Lansing School Age Child Care Program
Raymond C. Buckley Elementary School
284 Ridge Road
Lansing, New York 14882

(607) 533-3020, Ext. 1103 (Childcare Office)

(607) 533-3020, Ext. 1237 (Childcare Program)

