Activities and Clubs

LMS Clubs:

Art Club

  • Art Club is a place where students interested in art can come to experience art more extensively. Art club is not a drop in club. Interested

    students have to sign up in September. Meetings are 2nd and 4th Tuesdays after school from 2:36 PM-3:15 PM, unless otherwise announced. Projects include set painting for middle school plays, possible murals around the school, monthly art lessons and other small projects. Art Club members have the opportunity to go on field trips. Destinations will vary depending on cost and interest.  Past field trips included local artist studios and art museums. Club Advisor: Lee Iannone

Chess Club

  • Chess Club is open to all students in good academic standing. Chess Club is held the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month.  Students may come to any or every meeting to learn to play, to improve their skills, or to compete with their fellow chess enthusiasts.  School chess sets are available.  Club Advisor: Jim Bedore

Drama Club

  • Discover your passion for the arts with our vibrant Middle and High School Combined Drama Club. Whether you're a seasoned performer or just curious about theater, our club offers a welcoming space for students to explore and express their creativity.  Club members learn all about putting on successful production from acting to creating sets to make up and stage crew responsibilities. Meeting dates/times vary.  

IDEA’s Club ( Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Action)

  • IDEA’s Club Mission Statement:  As members of the Lansing Middle School IDEA’s Club, we believe that everyone deserves a place to belong free of bullying and stereotypes. We are dedicated to welcoming everyone, regardless of race, gender, orientation or identity.  We encourage voice, choice and kind actions to ensure that everyone feels included and inspire others to do the same. We are committed to the principles of fairness, equity, acceptance,  inclusion and freedom of expression.  Meetings are held the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month.  Club Advisors: Farr Carey or Colleen Valletta

Musical Theater

  • The middle school musical is open to all middle school students.  The performance takes place near the beginning of November.  Auditions take

    place during the first and second week of school in September.  Sign up to audition on the bulletin board across from the main office.  Rehearsals are daily, but students only attend when required for their part.  5th and 6th graders should plan on attending two rehearsals each week, on average.  7th and 8th graders should plan on attending rehearsal two or more days per week, depending on the complexity of the parts assigned to them.  Rehearsal schedules are given out weekly.  All participants are required to attend rehearsal every day for the last two weeks. Musical director: Lucas Hibbard

Odyssey of the Mind

  • The middle school Odyssey of the Mind club provides students with opportunities to work in small groups to solve problems and create

    presentations in competition with other schools.  Odyssey of the Mind is a regional and state competition that has very strict guidelines for teams to follow. Three teacher/coaches will prepare their teams for this area wide competition. Each team can only consist of 7 students so space is limited. Teams are usually organized in October and the competition is in February. Listen to announcements in October for the time and place of the first meeting. After teams are established, team coaches will set the schedule.  Coordinator: Christy VanArnum

Science Club

  • Students in the science club will enjoy a number of science related activities both indoors and out.  In addition, this club is primarily responsible

    for the supervision of our Green Team activities including our efforts to reduce, reuse and recycle.  Science Club meets the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month.  Club Advisor: Carolyn Shaw

Student Council Organization (SCO)

  • The middle school S.C.O. offers the opportunity for students to become leaders and provide service for the school. The leaders are elected by the

    student body representatives by grade level; Board of Directors by all grades. Student Council Members must remain in good academic standing all year.  Each year S.C.O. directs the major fund raising project for the school, provides dances for the student body, buys equipment for the school, offers and directs special projects.   A student who wants to be a student council member is one who wants to accomplish goals, offer direction and guidance, listen, delegate tasks when appropriate and promote a positive atmosphere. Listen for notification in September about applications being accepted for SCO at your grade level.  Student Council meetings are held the 1st and 3rd  Wednesday of each month. Club Advisors: Nicole Lamie and Julie MacMartin


  • In producing the Middle School yearbook, 7th-8th students are involved in planning and laying out yearbook pages, copywriting, word

    processing, and photography.  Staff meets as needed throughout the year to accomplish these tasks. Listen to announcements in September so

    you know when the first meeting will be. Yearbook Club is flexible and is open year long.  Meetings are held on Wednesdays, weekly. Club Advisor: Hayley Mott