Activities and Clubs

  • Access to College Education (A.C.E.)

    • This program is a partnership between local high schools and the four area colleges (TC3, SUNY Cortland, Ithaca College, and Cornell University). Students and parents attend workshops, plays, athletic events, and campus visits each year, throughout grades 9-12. Students must maintain at least a B average and participate in at least 4 events each year to remain in the program. Students are invited to join the program at the end of 8th grade and must commit to A.C.E. for four years.

  • Art

    • Lansing High School is part of the Lansing Central School District in Lansing, NY. The high school art program offers a wide variety of courses from introductory level studio classes, digital media, to Advanced Placement (AP) in 2-D Art + Design.

  • Creative Writing

    • For students interested in writing poetry, prose, plays, song lyrics, graphic novels and other genres. The purpose is to provide a positive and productive atmosphere for developing student writers to integrate, learn and grow.

  • Drama

  • GSA

    • Student-run organization that unites LGBTQ+ and allied youth to build community around issues impacting them in their schools and communities.

  • National Honor Society

    • The National Honor Society’s purpose is to create enthusiasm for scholarship, stimulate desire to render service, promote leadership, and develop character. Membership is based on a cumulative academic average of 90.0 and above, leadership, character, and service. Each spring the selection process takes place. Activities for members include: High School Open House and 8th Grade Orientation Guides, Red Cross Bloodmobile, canned food drive, Salvation Army bell ringing, and hosting the Winter Semi-Formal. The members provide tutoring services to other students and recycle for teachers in the high school.

  • Link Crew

    • Link Crew is a 9th grade transition program at Lansing High School! Part of the Boomerang Project, Link Crew consists of juniors and seniors who are trained to be Link Leaders to serve as positive role models, motivators, and mentors. Link Leaders will help new ninth grade students discover what it takes to be successful at LHS.

  • Model U.N.

    • Model United Nations is a simulation of the UN General Assembly and other multilateral bodies. In Model UN, students step into the shoes of ambassadors from UN member states to debate current issues on the organization's agenda. While playing their roles as ambassadors, student "delegates" make speeches, prepare draft resolutions, negotiate with allies and adversaries, resolve conflicts, and navigate the Model UN conference rules of procedure - all in the interest of mobilizing "international cooperation" to resolve problems that affect countries all over the world.

  • Multimedia Journalism

    • Lansing High School's TV News - The Blue & Gold Network!

  • Newspaper - The Bobcat

    • Quarterly publication - there is a print edition and a digital edition delivered right to your school email. Articles range from current events, to school news, humor and short stories and art. We are always looking for artwork submissions (digitally submitted). We are also looking for submissions for each edition's cover art. New staff writers, photographers, artists and contributors always welcome.

  • Ping Pong

    • The purpose of ping pong club is to allow students who enjoy ping pong to play with others and to meet new people.

  • Robotics

    • A robotics club is a gathering of students who are interested in learning about and working with robots. At robotics competitions, teams of students must design and build a robot that can compete against opponents in a series of specific challenges.

  • Student Council

    • The purpose of Student Council is to improve the school life at Lansing High School and to give the students the ability to influence change in their own school. The council serves as a liaison between the students and the administration of the high school and district. Up to six representatives from each grade are elected by their classmates to represent their interests in the student body. Election of class officers for the upcoming year occurs in the spring while freshman are elected in the fall. All members meet twice a month to discuss and decide which activities and charity events to sponsor. Students are also very involved in bettering the school environment. Recent SCO projects included furnishing the Senior Lounge and landscaping the center courtyard. Students hold school dances to raise money and collect canned goods for the food pantry and contribute funds to organizations such as Pennies for Patients.

  • Yearbook - The Cayugan

    • All students in grades 9-12 are welcome to participate in the production of the Lansing High School yearbook, The Cayugan. Anyone with experience in, or simply a desire to learn about digital photography, graphic design, desktop publishing, journalism, sales, and more is invited!  

  • Yorkers

    • Yorkers is Lansing High School's History club. If you enjoy any type of history, you are welcome to join us. Our primary focus is an appreciation of New York State and United States History. Each Friday, we have history bowl, where we compete against each other for points in history trivia. At least once a year, we hold movie night, where students select a film of historical value and watch it with the advisors. Finally, we have ventured out to local historical sites throughout the area over the years to not only tour but volunteer our time.